Sunday, December 18, 2011

Starlight Is Upon Us!

Dear Friends,

It is that time of year again! The Starlight Celebration! It seems that the unseasonably warm weather got the better of us, and the celebrations started late this year. No bells to ring, and no gifts to deliver this year. Instead, everyone is worrying about the late change of seasons as the Starlight decorations are erected in the various towns. Rumors are abound that the warm temperatures are due to the unrest of the elementals, and the strange color of Dalamud in the sky.

Taking suggestions from the Ala Mhigan refugees, the conjurers of the Stillglade Fane have decided to participate in a traditional Ala Mhigo ceremony said to usher in the snows of winter. It's quite silly actually, using snow made from ice crystals, a giant snowman was erected in the northern shroud. It seems everyone got into the spirit and a huge snowball fight ensued. I have to admit even I joined into the festivities. Haha!

After it was all over, we donned reindeer suits and drank a little too much ale. Don't judge me! Happy Starlight to all!


Saturday, December 17, 2011


Dear Friends,

Today I was called on by the Lancer's guild to help recruit champions to bolster our defenses against a possible Imperial invasion. I was sent to Ul'dah to speak with the pugilists and plea for any assistance they can offer.

These guys are certainly a tough lot! They expressed discontent over the dangerous roads through the black shroud that lead into Gridania. Only after letting it be known that I wasn't there to take any crap did I win over enough respect to make them listen to me. The puglists agreed to send a caravan with some goods and volunteers, assuming the roads were free of danger.

Upon returning to the guild in Gridania, we received word that the caravan was experiencing problems in the Twelveswood. Unless we were able to guarantee a safe passage, the deal was off!  This left me no choice, with haste I rode the aether to rendezvous with the caravan near of the of the camps and escorted them. It wasn't long before we ran into trouble. Overhead, and enormous flying machine hovered over the treeline... I have NEVER seen anything like it. It was immense and very loud! I have no doubt is was some type of Imperial device. Needless to say, it spooked the wildlife in the forest. A herd of frightened deer came blasting out of the brush and slammed into the caravan. Upon impact, a pudgy little moogle fell from somewhere off the back of the carriage! The poor thing became trampled by the deer! What was it doing there?! As of now, that remain a mystery unsolved, but we took it Gridania where it would be cared for.


Friday, December 16, 2011

Reach For The Stars

Dear Friends,

I've been busy flirting with Ariadne (the Mi'qote I mentioned before) and training myself in various weapons. It's strange how seemingly overnight every thing you know about combat can change with the times. Sometimes, I wear I have to learn new techniques and it's like starting over with a new weapon. It's a bit frustrating at times!

That being said, after talking with several people around Eorzea today it's nice to finally be recognized for all my accomplishments! It only motivates me to try harder!


Saturday, December 10, 2011

Diplomatic Solutions

Dear Friends,

My assistance was again required by my companions at the Path of the Twelve. This time I was summoned to assist a similar guild known as the Ashcrown Consortium, located in Gridania. The consortium is responsible for regulating the trading of crystals among the nations of Eorzea. It seems that a majority of the crystals are provided by the beastmen tribes in exchange for various goods and services. It is thru this manner, that the fragile peace is kept between the beastmen and the city-states.

However, lately the beastmen have been reluctant to exchange their crystals. It has recently been uncovered that instead of trading them, the various beastmen are hording them as an offering to their gods (also known as Primals).

Aerylia and I were tasked with the mission of assisting the consortium in negotiating with the beastmen in attempt to resume normal trading.

We arrived at the scene a little late it seems. All manner of hell was breaking loose. A band of Amalj'aa and Ixal were in a very heated argument with some members of the consortium. It seems even the beastmen fear invasion by the Empire and do not trust the three nations to keep them safe. The arguments became so intense that the beastmen were on the verge of summoning the avatars of their primals over the dispute! I was able to talk sides out of such an extreme solution. By the Twelve, I'd hate to ever have to battle such powerful beings!

Before the negotiations could continue, a strange creature appeared outside of the cave and frightened off both groups of beastmen. It was terrifying! It was a ghostly, demonic looking thing! Shrouded in black robes with wings of bone! I was told by one of our Sylvan friends that the creature in question was an "Ascian". This is a being I have never heard of, and the Sylphs were not willing to provide and details. I wish they had more forthcoming, but it was their magicks that were able to conceal our presence from the terrible creature until is passed.

I was disheartened that we were not able to fully resolve this crisis. But, the effort was not all wasted. In their haste, the beastmen left behind a sack of the valuble crystals. We delivered them to the consortium with a full report.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Montage III

Dear Friends,

It seems all I ever do is train! Haha! That and run errands for the Twin Adders!


Friday, November 25, 2011

A Chance Encounter

Dear Friends,

What an odd day! I met two very interesting people today. First of all, I met a reporter for the Harbor Herald. He was standing among a crowd of people in Ul'dah, discussing a rumor of new and vicious monsters that have been spotted out in the wilds. I can only assume he was working on leads for a story. He spent a lot of time asking people their opinions on various things. He was quite an interesting bloke, and he wore the strangest clothes I've ever seen. I was quite intrigued by them, but no matter how much gil I offered, he refused to part with them. Bummer!

The second person that I met today is... well... a girl! Not the prudish stuck type type. Nor is she a loose-subligar'd floozy. She is a very headstrong and lovely young Miq'ote with.... *shudder* blue fur!
How do I admit this without sounding like a total Dodo? I kind of... LIKE HER. Woohoo!!
I couldn't let this hot young thing get away from me, so I made sure I gave her a linkpearl. That way I can stal--- err keep in touch with her. We got to know each other pretty well after spending a few hours working guildleves. After which, we sadly had to part ways. I can't wait until we cross paths again.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Hero of the Day!

Dear Friends,

Amazing news! Yesterday, the Twin Adders recognised me as one of the "Heroes of the Day!". Whoohoo!!!!!


Sunday, November 20, 2011

Soldier of Fortune

Dear Friends,

It seems like so long ago that I came to Eorzea with the mindset to study the art of alchemy. Fate has a funny way of changing your life in the blink of an eye. I have spent the last several weeks working almost exclusively for the three Grand Companies of Eorzea. I wish I could go into detail over everything I've experienced in just the last few days, but it would simply be too much to write.

In a nutshell, I have learned some pretty astounding truths. There is something big coming. We've all known that, but only now is it starting to make itself clear. I believe the archon, Urianger. It has been revealed to me that he, as well as Papalymo, and several others are members of a secret group, not unlike the Path of the Twelve. They were sent to Eorzea from a far away land, to warn us all of the future ahead. Urianger was tasked with inspiring the recreation of the Grand Companies. I have even been privy to a meeting between him and the leader of the Maelstrom (what an oddly exciting young lady she is!).

It's not too late to change the fate of the world. Details are sketchy, but somehow it's all tied into moon of Dalamud, and the strange red color it has recently taken on. It has something to do with the sudden increase in monsters, and the recent actions of the Empire.

I've learned that Cid Garlond was once in the employ of Garlemald. He was the creator of many of the terrible Magitek machines that invaded Ala Mihgo. Filled with guilt and outrage at what the Empire had done, he defected to Eorzea to lend his services in any way he could. I can see his heart, and I trust him.

Nowhere is safe. Imperial spies are everywhere, we've found them within the ranks of the city-states, employees of the Ironworks, and even within the Grand Companies. Luckily, we were able to catch several after learning their identities. One of them, however, did escape us.

Over the last few days, I have attended grand recruitment ceremonies for all three companies. I have listened to speeches of each leader. I have had the pleasure of meeting them, and being personally invited into their ranks as contracted member.

It is after much reflection, I have made my choice. Today, I was recognised as a Serpent Private Third Class in the Order of the Twin Adders. I have decided to make Gridania my new home, both physically and by pledge.

I'm a bit overwhelmed after thinking back on everything the last few days have brought. I think I will retire for the night. If I'm going to offer the best I have to both the company and all of Eorzea, I will need to begin rigorous training. I have no doubt that war is coming, and I am no longer primarily Kijimuna the Alchemist. I am Kijimuna the soldier.


Thursday, November 17, 2011

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Dear Friends,

Interesting little antecdote for you today! Recent reports cite an uprising in thefts from the Lifemend Stump. If you recall, I mentioned in an earlier letters, a treestump in the forest where many people will leave broken items, hoping the moogles will come by and repair them. Well, that is the Lifemend Stump.

It's shocking to think that someone would actually steal something left there, but such are the times in which we live.

I staked out there area, only to come across three thieves. After giving them a good whooping, they surrendered and claimed to be members from a thieves guild called The Redbelly Wasps. They swore that they have nothing to do with the thefts from the stump, but rather they engage in other sorts of criminal activity. He admits to currently being involved in a ransom scheme, where a young girl is being held in their secret den.

After a bit of "convincing" I learn the location of their hideout. However, when I arrive, I find the remaining members of the clans knocked on their arses. Standing proudly above them is an adorable young woman, with horns as sharp as a blade. Suspicious, I allow myself to listen to The Echo. I learn that standing in front of me is noneother than Raya-O-Senna, this younger sister to Kan-E-Senna!

Who is Kan-E-Senna?! The founder of the Order of the Twin Adders, Grand Company of Gridania!

Needless to say, Raya is not amused by my mental prying and storms off angry that I'd "spy on her" so willingly.

Sigh. The last thing I intended to do today was piss of someone with connections to Kan-E-Senna!!!



Thursday, November 10, 2011


Dear Friends,

I've been busy this week undertaking tasks and delving further into the mysteries of Eorzea. Enclosed are a few memories.


Monday, November 7, 2011

Imperial Battle

Dear Friends,

I have something very terrible to report. Today I did battle with Garlean Imperial Soldiers.

I was summoned by the Twin Adders to investigate possible Imperial activity deep within the Black Shroud. It seems a group on conjurers were sent on a mission to erect some magical wards in the forest when they came under attack. I was given the coordinates of their destination and asked to assist in any way possible.

When I arrived, the conjurers were nowhere to be found. Instead, I spotted a party of Imperial footsoldiers. I engaged them. Their willingness to take hostile action against me leads me to believe that these rumors of war are true. After all the Imperial activity I've seen lately, I no longer have a doubt as to their intentions.

I was victorious against them. Upon inspection, I found a strange letter sewed into the uniform of one of the men. I took it back to base where it was inspected. As it turns out, the solider carrying it was not Garlean, but rather from Ala Mhigo. While the cipher used in the note was unreadable, the conjurers in Gridania were able to sense that the content of the letter was not malicious, but actually honorable in it's intent. 

I was then tasked with taking the letter to a small Ala Mhigo refugee outpost in Thanalan. When I arrived, I presented the letter only to learn that the soldier I battled was not truly a Garlean, but rather an Ala Mhigo spy... Oh, I felt terrible! I killed an innocent man in the heat of battle.

I was assured that I had done no wrong. In fact, his identity was to remain a secret. The soldier's goal was to see the letter delivered at all costs, and I made sure that his mission was realized. Despite these reassurances, I now bear the weight of this guilt.

The test of the letter was as follows:

"Latest reports indicate Imperial Legatus Nael van Darnus has left eastern theatre. Joining forces on the western front. Changes made to invasion plans by high command. Fighting grows more fierce, imperial soldiers seem...changed. More savage, violent. New magitek devices deployed to strongholds on western front. Have been assigned to installation labor...

They force us to kill daily─something, anything. If only to keep us in the habit. They seek to make it a reflex in us. My grip on things is slowly slipping─on my faith...and my mind. I don't know who or what I am anymore. Darkness descends from all sides... Yet there at the center...there, brilliant, unwavering, and beacon, my lodestar...Ala Mhigo"

Included with the letter were design plans for some sort of Imperial Military device. I was asked to take the plans back to the headquarters of the Twin Adder.

Upon my return to base, the commanders were shocked to learn the letter carried such valuable information. The designs were to be provided immediately to the Garlond Ironworks for study.

As I was being debriefed a team of officers made their way through the company hall. They were walking with none other than the Ironwork's Master, Cid Garlond! What an honor to see such a legendary individual.

I was not able to hear all of their conversation, but what I did catch chilled me to the bone.

One of the men with Cid mentioned something to the extent of "Your hypothesis has proven to be correct, Master Cid."

To which Cid only grimaced and replied with a single word:  "Meteor..." With that, they walked away, out of earshot.

I shudder to think what he may mean. Such an innocent word, but yet, spoken with such dire resignation.

My friends, I fear that there are dark days ahead. This shroud of darkness is sure to claim the lives of many more innocent men. All I can do is try to ensure that I save more lives than I'm forced to take.


                                                                        Cid Garlond

Thursday, November 3, 2011

The Twin Adders

Dear Friends,

Well, today I visited the meeting hall of The Twin Adders, Gridania's Grand Company of Eorzea. I have taken my first step in the recruitment process. Being a new recruit, I have not pledged total allegiance to the Adders. In fact, I was encouraged to lend my support to the other companies as needed for the time being.

As a test of my resolve, I was tasked with tracking down a renegade Thaumaturge from Ul'dah that has recently been seen vandalizing the trees in the forest with some kind of magical sigils. Reports had last placed her near the hamlet of Quarrymill deep in the Black Shroud. Once she is located, I am to provide her with orders expelling her from the forest.

Finding her wasn't difficult. She was actually in the hamlet when I discovered her. She found my request to be quite amusing. She claims that the glyphs in the tree was not placed by her but rather by an Archon named Urianger. She explained that this Archon is the same individual that was sighted several months back during the great rain, prophesying about the coming 7th Umbral Era. She claimed that she would leave the forest I were to deliver the Archon to her. She believes to have noticed a patterns in Urianger's movements and suggested a place within the Twelveswood where I might be able to confront the Archon.

I have to admit, I was sceptical of her claims. I remember the events in which she spoke of. The mysterious hooded stranger appearing at various aetheryte camps throughout Eorzea. I remembered the whole controversy of Hatching Tide, and the prophecy that the Archons were coming to our world. Even though these events occurred within the last year, it seemed like ages ago.

It didn't take me long to track down this mysterious Urianger. He noticed me and began to approach. As he did, I became frozen in place, as if under some powerful spell. I stood there, powerless as he spoke to me. His words burrowed into my mind, I will never forget them. He said,

"Ne'er till land consumes sun can sea bear moons, heavens spew crimson flame, hells seep black dooms.
Hearken unto me, ye seeker of truth, and through my words be saved! The senary sun yields the septenary moon─expelling the Astral, beckoning the Umbral. So saith the eternal wisdom of Mezaya Thousand Eyes.
 A shadow hangeth o'er the realm, growing blacker with each passing day! Rise from thy waking slumber! See the nightmare for reality, and ready thyself for the coming chaos! Darkness descendeth, but surrender not to despair! For the future is forged in the flames of the present! Child of everlasting dawn, hast thou the courage to face the night?"

He was asking me if I would join him in his quest to fight this unknown future. I must be honest, I wasn't sure what to make of it. The prophecy of the coming doom of the 7th Umbral era had long been whispered. I must admit, that I never cast much belief at it. Despite my misgivings, I did not wish to anger this obviously powerful man. I nodded my head in agreement. This seemed to anger him, as it seemed he could detect my deception. He spoke again,

"The foul taint of deceit corrupteth thine heart and wills thee to deeds most sinister. I have sensed the hand that guideth thee, and know of its intent.
Full oft, truth lieth not in that which is spoken, but in that which is left unspoken.
Refuse to open thine eyes and thou shalt linger in darkness for eternity.
Or mayhap the dark shadow cast upon thy soul hath rendered it unable to accept the dawn.
But first thou must cast off the shadow which defiles it..."

With that, he vanished. In his place appeared a fierce drake! I found I was suddenly able to move again, so I pulled my lance from my back and defended myself. Can you believe it? I actually won against this... monster!

As I stood over the corpse of the beast I heard a rustling in some nearby brush. The Lalafell, Papalymo, (the one from the airship crash) emerged from the woods. He too had been investigating this Archon. He congratulated me on defeating Urianger's summoned familiar. He shared some of this thoughts on the prophecy that the Archon had been preaching. Suggesting that perhaps, even if true, the prophecy did not necessarily predict the end of days, but perhaps a new beginning. We chatted a bit more and parted ways.

I returned to Quarrymill and spoke with the Thaumaturge. I relayed all that happened to her and she seemed extremely interested. She was a bit upset that I was not able to deliver the Archon to her in person, as requested. But she did agree to stop angering the forest. She committed her promise to paper and bound it with a seal. I happily delivered this document to the Twin Adders where I received payment for my services.

I am not officially recognised as a recruit! I was giving a briefing on the basic workings of the Grand Company, and shown their commissary and arsenal. I was instructed to report back at my convenience for another assignment.

My friends. I'm on my way to greatness...

I both excited and scared.


Trouble in the Forest!

Dear Friends,

I have more news of the empire. Today, I was summoned to the Waking Sands. A band of sylphs sneaked into the headquarters of the Path and were flitting around hysterically. Due to my ability to understand languages, I was able to discern their needs.

The sylphs were in a panic. They explained that the Garlean Empire has invaded their home in Moonspore Grove. The sylphs explained that by using their magic, they were able to escape and seek help. However, several of their kind was left behind, including some of their young "podlings". They begged that The Path of Twelve offer them assistance.

Minfilia requested that Aerylia and I travel Moonspore Grove to investigate.

The Grove is known to be the secret home of the sylphs and is tucked away somewhere in the emerald maze of the Black Shroud. Aerylia and I agreed to meet in Gridania, where she had a contact that knew the general location of the grove. It seems that she has "special ways" of gleaming information from this individual. When we met up, she explained that she left her informant in bed, and asked that we hurry and get our mission over with so she can rejoin him... What a lustful little tart!

Her intelligence placed Moonspore Grove somewhere north of Camp Nine Ives. When we arrived on the scene, we found the place to be crawling with Imperial scouts. The Empire is growing bolder by the day, and the fact that they are routinely being spotted this far south is very unsettling. In the distance we observed a convoy marching through the wood. They were escorted by some type of large walking war-machines. I tell you, my heart sank. Friends, I truly fear we are on the verge of being invaded like the nation of Ala Mhigo was 15 years prior.

Aerylia and I snuck into the grove where we encountered an adult Sylph. It implored us to take the podlings and sneak them out of the area before the Imperial could seize them. The Sylph cast an enchantment to assist us in avoiding detection, and we were off.

Once we arrived in a safe area, we encountered some members of the Wood Wailers. We briefed them on what we had observed but I get the impression that we were not taken seriously. Aerylia took their dismissal as excuse to return to her extra curricular activities and took her leave of me.

I returned to the Waking Sands to provide my report to Minfilia, where I recieved a nice stipend for my duties.

My friends, trouble is brewing. I fear that Gridania may be the next victim of this hungry Empire to the north. I feel as though it is my responsibility to help in any way that I can. I think it might be time for me to speak with a recruitment officer at one of the grand companies. I'll keep you informed.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Wood Wailers

Dear Friends,

I'm starting to make a name for myself it seems. Today, I had the honor of being recruited into the Lancer's guild. I am now an official Wood Wailer! I have my guild linkpearl and all! Now I can earn fevor with the guild whenever I undertake guildleves. This will allow me access to their exclusive training and armory!

I was immediately tasked with exterminating some vermin that were plaguing the foliage in the Twelveswood. Being that I had taken on similar tasks in the form of guildeves, I was eager to display my ability to complete the job. Finishing my task was no great struggle, but I did have a bit of a scare. As soon as the last beast was slain, I noticed a rather angry elemental descend on me from the top of a nearby tree. I was a bit fearful, as my last battle with an angry elemental is something I won't soon forget, and I'm not sure I wouldn't have survived it without help. Before the spirit could attack, a pudgy little moogle flew in between us and reasoned with the thing.

Everything ended well, and the elemental departed, but why in the world would the elemental be angry? I was sent on orders from the Wood Wailers.They ensured me that they had consent of the forest prior to elimination of the pests. Curious...


Monday, October 31, 2011

Rolling In The Deep

Dear Friends,

Wow. I feel lucky to be alive. Let me tell you about my latest adventure.

I finally ended my long-term visit to Ul'dah and was ready to make my way for Limsa Lominsa. However, due to the new accessibility that airships provide, I decided first to stop in Gridania to turn in some supplies I crafted for a local guild. While I was hanging around the Canopy, I stopped to talk to "Mother" Miounne. I mentioned my plans to travel to Limsa Lominsa, and she asked me if I would do her a service.

She explained that she had been asked to send an adventurer to an isolated cave that is hidden away on the same island where Limsa Lominsa sits. The cave is said to home to a magical stone that was stolen from Gridania a while back. The stone is rumored to house the spirit of an elemental.

Recently, the cave has become a hotspot of activity with pirates due to rumors of a treasure discovery. Mother asked that I travel to Limsa Lominsa and speak with a particular pirate to learn more. She gave me a pre-paid airship ticket, and asked that I report back if I'm able to find the stone. How exciting!

This was first time visiting the island nation of Limsa Lominsa and it is lovely! The fresh air of the sea was invigorating after spending so much time in the desert-like climate of Ul'dah. The whole city is filled with colorful characters. Pirates, and scoundrels. Mojo would feel right at home. Haha!

I rallied some companions from the Linkshell and we set out in search of the cave. I stopped and spoke with the marauder Mother mentioned. He seemed to think I was more foolish than anything else, but he did mark the location of the cave "Shposhae" on my map. He mentioned that the site is believed to contain the hidden treasure of a legendary pirate known as Mistbeard. The legend continues to say that throughout the cave are half buried chests filled with treasure. However, the chests are locked tighter than a Mi'qote's panty drawer. Some adventurers claim that to keep the treasure safe, old Mistbeard fed the keys to the various beasts that call the cave home. On more than one occasions, a key has been found in the belly of a slain monster... Whoa.

What a creepy place.... The cave leads deep underground to an area littered with still-glowing corals. The place is infested with bats, crabs, and slugs. We found it to be a great spot to get in a bit of combat training, as the monsters in the cave seem to be endless.

I can't explain the elation that we all felt when we finally came across an old bronze chest! We continued to exterminate the hostile crabs in the vicinity until we finally found one with a key in it's gut! The chest contained a bit of gil and some clothing, nothing too exciting. However, we know there's more down there. At one point we turned a corner and found a chamber FILLED with odd looking creatures. We were not about to run in blind and risk getting eaten, so we headed back for the surface.

Something tells me, we will return to this spot to hunt for treasure many times in the future.


Saturday, October 29, 2011


Dear Friends,

I have something really neat to tell you. Today, I undertook a job from a local merchant. He asked that I deliver some crafting material to a Goblin camped out in Northern Thanalan. There was a nice sum of gil in it for me, so I happily took the job.

When I arrived, the Goblin explained (in the typically odd way that goblins speak) that he specialized in the crafting of materia. In case you're not aware, materia is a mysterious crystal substance that can be formed using the spirit energy of physical objects. He explained that the longer a living creature uses a particular object, such as a weapon or a tool, the user and the object form a spiritual bond. Once that bond is strong enough, it is possible (through the use of cutting edge science) to harness that energy and change it into materia. Once created, materia can then be joined with other physical objects to enhance their power or effectiveness.

I had heard of such a science, but never thought I'd find myself in a position to actually use it. Haha! Well, what do you know? It was there at the goblins camp that I was able to extract some materia from a pair of old beat up wristguards I had been toting around.

The next step for me will be learning to bond materia to a new item. However, I'm afraid my skills as a craftsman are still a bit lacking. Seems I have something to look forward to!


Friday, October 28, 2011

The Path of The Twelve

Dear Friends,

Oh my. I have something EXCITING to tell you. During my visit to Ul'dah, I decided to finally follow up on the tip given to me by "mother" from the Canopy in Gridania. It's been a while since I mentioned it, so allow to refresh your memories.

Do you remember the whole fiasco with Grand Rite? Back when we danced at the ceremony? Well if you recall, during the ceremony I passed out briefly. It was around the same time that I had the mysterious vision of Seedseers and "wildings" out in the Black Shroud. At any rate, when I woke from my unexpected sleep, I was instructed to meet a "friend" at the Waking Sands in the Market Wards of Ul'dah when the time was right.

Well, the Twelve must have a plan for me. Because as I was poking around the Waking Sands. I encountered as face I'd not seen in a while. The Hermit of the Wood! If you recall from some of my letters, he's the odd fellow that tried to chase the children and myself away from the old tree stump where all the Moogle sightings took place. But I digress, he was there and he recognised me. As he approached me he made a comment about how he wasn't sure if I was ever going to show up or not. He was standing with a young Lalafell girl he introduced as Tataru. He explained that he invited me here because after observing me for a time, he believed there was something special about me. He seemed to suggest that he was a member of a secret organization, and that he had referred me as a potential member to the leader, Lady Minfilia.

Tataru led me to Minfilia's chambers and it was there that I met with her. Minfilia is a rather lovely young Hyur. She introduced herself as the caretaker of a secret organization known as The Path of Twelve. She explained that their group is dedicated to the investigation and documentation of instances of divine intervention. She explained that they have eyes and ears scattered about Eorzea, keeping watch for any such events. The Hermit of the Wood, is but one of these agents.

It was at that moment, that I had one of my "episodes". I had a vision in my mind of a conversation between Minfilia and the Hermit, they were discussing my collapse at the Grand Rite. There was also a mention of a sudden increase in reports of people just like myself. Then POOF!  Just as soon as the vision started, it was over.

Minfilia seemed to recognise what just happened. She explained that she believes these visions, or flashes of insight, are a gift from the gods. She said that they have a name for it, within their organization. They call it The Echo. She mentioned that recently, many who have witnessed the strange phenomena in the skies have also been touched by this gift. She explained further, that The Path of the Twelve is to be a refuge for the people who have this gift. A place to learn and study The Echo. It has been noticed that many with The Echo can also speak and understand languages that are unknown to them. This sent a shiver down my spine, as I was able to converse with that Moogle in the woods...

It is her personal belief that those touched by The Echo, have been chosen by the gods to be the saviors of Eorzea in the dark days ahead... I was speechless. To think that I might have some mystical gift... It's unfathomable.

At this point, Minfilia asked if I would join the Path of the Twelve. She explained that even though at this time, she cannot promise and any firm answers, she believed that through the organization, I would come to learn the answers that I seek.

I have to admit, I wasn't sure what to think of her offer, but something about her words rang true to my heart. After some consideration, I agreed. I was escorted by Tataru back out in the main area of the Waking Sands, where I was formally registered as  Walker in The Path of the Twelve. Tataru explained that members of the organization often worked together, and that she would introduce me to my "Path Companion".

I was introduced to a rather flirtatious young Miq'ote Conjurer named Aerylia. I was given a Linkpearl for the organization, and Aerylia and I were left to get to know each other a bit. She suggested that we meet at the local Adventurer's Guild over dinner to discuss our "future together". GULP!

I must admit, we had a nice meal. She had quite a way of talking... innuendos seemed to fly from her mouth. Haha! I do think that she is a rather nice person, and I look forward to sharing adventures with her. We parted ways, and agreed to keep in touch until we were summoned by the organization in the future.

With that, I retired for the evening. I have to admit, a lot of information was poured in my little head today. Hints and allegations that I had not considered. Am I really someone chosen by the Twelve for some greater purpose? Or am I simply some charltan with vertigo and delisuons of grandeur? Time will tell I guess.


Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Enjoying the sights!

Dear Friends,

I've still been enjoying the sights in Ul'dah! I've spent a little time taking on some guildleves at local camps, and making new friends. I'm planning on making my flight to Limsa Lominsa tomorrow, so I expect I'll quite a bit to write about soon!


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Little Chocobo

Dear Friends,

I'm not the only one excited about the recent availability of chocobos! Haha! I've enclosed an article from the Hearald, it's a rather nice write up on the subject!


The plot thickens...

Dear Friends,

My trip to Ul'dah as become very interesting... I had taken on a small job for the local temple, passing out trinkets to some locals who made some rather high-gil donations. It was during this job, that news of a recent airship crash came to my attention. It seems that an airship was headed towards Ul'dah when it crashed mysteriously. Recent intelligence reports have sighted some mysterious bandits looting through the wreckage. I agreed to scout the site and chase off any looters. However, when I arrived, I was ambushed by some rather unsavory characters. I had to fight for my life I tell you! My defeat of these knaves serves as proof that my battle skills are improving every day.

It turns out that I arrived just in time, the bandits had cornered two innocent surveyors from the Garlond Ironworks at the wreckage site. The surveyors informed me that they believed the bandits were actually Imperial scouts sent to snoop around the wrecked airship.

I returned to temple with this news, and was asked to keep this whole matter under my hat. Of course, I can tell you, right? You'll keep it secret!


Monday, October 24, 2011

Oh, Chocobo!

Dear Friends,

It is with GREAT excitement that I write you to say that I have finally rented my first Chocobo! I can't tell you how many times I wished there were enough chocobos to go around, so the stables would finally allow rentals. Well, as I mentioned in a previous letter, the nation of Ishgard has finally delivered enough healthy chocobos to the three nations, that rentals have been made available to the public!

To celebrate, I'm going to head back to Ul'dah for a few days in search of new adventures. Once I am finished there, I do believe I am going to try my luck at hitching a ride all the way to Limsa Lominsa on an airship! I have never been to the island nation of Limsa Lominsa, so visiting it via airship is sure to be double the thrill! That event will still be several days off, but I'll be sure to let you all know.


Sunday, October 23, 2011

New Companions

Dear Friends,

My have I been busy! Mojo and I have fallen in league with some new companions! While working some guildleves, I encountered a fellow adventurer named Leigh. After some idle chatter, Leigh offered me a pearl to his linkshell so we could stay in touch.  Well, Leigh's shell, "Quarantine" is rather active on the aether it seems. Last night, several of us banded together outside of Camp Emerald Moss, and helped purge the area of pests.

Let me tell you, when it comes to the dangers of adventuring, having help from others really makes a difference. I look forward to the days ahead.

I hope you are all well, and I promise to write again soon!


Friday, October 21, 2011

Imperials Sighted

Dear Friends,

My fears are confirmed. The rumors about the Imperials is true. Today, while training near Camp Emerald Moss, I saw them with my own eyes. It appeared to be a scouting party. By the time I returned back to camp with the news, the guard had already been alerted.

I am proud to say that I took up arms against the Imperial spies and helped push them back. Despite the victory, this does not bode well.


Thursday, October 20, 2011

All Saint's Wake

Dear Friends,

I hope all of you are enjoying the nice autumn breeze! I certainly have. I have dived headfirst into the All Saint's Wake festivities. I've managed to garner quite a collection of scary looking pumpkin hats. Haha!

I'm happy to report that I've reunited with my old friend Mojo. The two of us have been honing our skills on some guildleves in Gridania as of late. I'm quickly getting back up to speed. It is amazing how fast it all comes back to you.

I think this week I'm going to check up on old Fye and the rest of the friends I met during my earliest adventures. Luckily, I kept my journal all of this time, so following up on old leads should not be very difficult.

Expect more frequent letters in the future, I have the feeling I'll have much more to write about in the days to come.


Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Guess who's back...

Dear Friends,

Guess's back in Gridania and training for battle...


Saturday, October 1, 2011

Foundation Day Celebration!

Dear Friends,

It has been a year since I first made my trek to Gridania. A wild and strange year it has been. As you know, I was thrust into the lifestyle of adventure quite unexpectedly. A received a rare opportunity, that admittedly I took for granted. All these months spent laying low in Ul'dah have cost me much, where it comes to reputation.

Today, the Grand Companies has launched a new recruitment campaign. But as of yet, I still have not earned enough respect among my fellow adventurers to join their ranks.

With the upcoming All-Saints festival, I intend to make my return to Gridania and pick up the pieces where I left them nearly a year ago.

Rumors of war are stronger than ever, with Imperial being spotted often. Word is that the three city-states are receiving a large number of chobobos from Ishgard. There's also talks of airship routes being opened between nations. Can you imagine that? How long have I wished for such a manner of travel. Haha!

To those of you that have joined me in Eorzea over the past year, or to those who have lost interest. I hope to see you all soon. I have a feeling, that our struggle is only just beginning...


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Curse of Dalamud

Dear Friends,

I fear that somehow I have managed to miss an important event. It seems that while I was busy with my research and training, a legion of rats ran off with a whole shipment of treasure. The treasure in questions was a shipment of earrings that were intended to be given as rewards for adventurers that participated in the Firefall Faire. Can you picture it? A whole slew of rats running off with earrings clenched between their teeth?

Rumor is that the infamous thief, The Lord of Rats, was behind it. Well, lucky of the adventurers guild, a number of able bodied heroes were able to track down the rodents and recover a number of these Moonlet Earrings. Sadly, I was not one.

This marks the first time that my inattention to new of Eorzea has led to me missing out on some item of import. I pray to the Twelve that another shipment is made available next year.

In other news, I have retrieved all of my old gear and trinkets from my retainer, Sonata. I am nearly ready to make my mark on the world. I regret all these many months of neglecting my duties.


Sunday, August 28, 2011

Back from the dead

Dear Friends,

I am writing to inform you that I have decided to come out of retirement and return to my life adventuring. Through much meditation and dedicated training, I feel almost as if.... I have been reborn. Don't I look totally emo? Haha!

I fear I waited to long, as the Firefall Faire is almost over. You know I have a soft spot for holiday celebrations. The thought of missing out on some exlusive swag bugs me to no end!

I have included a poster for the event. Now pardon me while I chase some bombs around in my bathing suit.... (Don't ask).


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Imperials

Dear Friends,

Heavens! It is much haste that I write this. Agents of the Empire have been sighted within Eorzea.
Upon hearing the rumors, I decided to see for myself... It is true. The Twelve be with us. War is on the horizon.

I feel the need to help. But I have fallen out of shape, I don't know that I have the skills nessecary to contribute. I feel an intense need to reinvent myself and take up arms against this new threat.

More on this descision later.


Monday, July 25, 2011

Oh my...

Dear Friends,

What is this world coming to... the rumors are true. The Grand Companies of Eorzea have been reformed and are actively recruiting.

I earned a bit of coin today by spreading the word to would-be members about the recruitment. However, when I visited the headquarters of the Twin Adder in Gridania, I was turned away. Apparently, they feel I am not quite hardened enough. And to think I was off to such a good start.

I suppose I need to decide if I truly want to be an adventurer in Eorzea or simply bow out and leave the battles to those with a stronger will.

Enclosed in a banner from the Company headquarters.


Friday, July 22, 2011

An item of interest.

Dear Friends,

I guess it should go without saying, that depsite all of the interesting goings-ons, I suppose I have all but retired. My interests have been mostly in gossiping and selling my wares instead of adventuring.

That being said, my interest has been piqued recently. There is talk of strange dungeons and raids on beastmen strtongholds going on throughout Eorzea. I'm keeping an ever watchful eye.

Here's another article regarding some of the things I've mentioned.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Rumors abound

Dear Friends,

In Gridania, we have a local gossip paper of sorts. It's called The Raven. The popularity of this newspaper grew during the odd hijinks of the Hatching Tide. I usually don't pay much attention to it. However, they recently printed an article about a local "haunted dungeon" of sorts. I thought you might find it interesting, so I've enclosed it in my letter.

I personally, have not been involved in much lately. I'm waiting to see what the future holds.

The Raven:


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Times they are a changin'

Dear Friends,

Something is afoot... There is a weird feeling in the air and very few answers to be found. Yesterday, a dark storm fell over the entire realm of Eorzea. A great rain fell from the sky. In the region of Thanalan, just outside of Ul'dah, a mysterious soothsayer has been seen, appearing from nowhere. He has been reported as speaking a very cryptic message:

"Hear my words if you are in search of truth…
The disaster in Hydaelyn is imminent…
The time of awakening has come for those who are preparing to tackle the chaos in motion…
The future is not immutable… You can still change it…
When the sixth sun will have set and the seventh moon shine in the sky, the ocean of clouds poured a rain of fiery flames and shadows fatal burst forth from the depths of the earth…
The “Seventh Purification” predicted by Mezaya approaches…
You who are in search of truth… wake up and put yourself against the imminent threat…"

I fear his warning harkens back to the prophecy of the 7th Umbral (a time not too far away).

Alongside thee odd reports, are the sudden discovery of crystals that have been drained of their elemental power. I have found a few of these myself, while undertaking tasks assigned to me on guildleves.

I worry that all of these strange things, the rain, and the recent prophecy of the Archons all spell a grim future. I hope you are all safe. I intend to keep my ear to the ground and investigate this further.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hatching Tide

Dear Friends,

Ok. This is just weird. Apparently, some kind of super-hottie neo cult leader has prophecised that a slew of Archons are about to descend on Eorza. She has resorted to passing out lavishly decorated eggs as part of her attempt to get people to listen. Good news is, she's dispatched emmisarys to pay for these eggs. And umm.. the one in Gridania is pretty cute!

Anyways, the rewards for assisting are very fancy looking egg-helms. I decided to contribute by seeking out several bands of Spriggans that had been known to be hording some dodo eggs. During my quest, you'll never guess who I ran into? My OLD friend "Mojo Bone".

I have to admit it was nice having a familar face to talk to. I haven't had any real close friends since I ran into Sparkajen, and there's no telling where he's ran off to.

So, if it's your kind of thing, Happy Hatching Tide to you all!

Happy Hatching Tide!


Friday, April 15, 2011


Dear Friends,

If my eyes do not deceive me I do believe I just saw a recruitment poster for the Grand Companies of Eorzea.  What horrible doom lies on the horizon that these armies are looking for new members?

I'm taking a "let's see approach" before deciding to involve myself too greatly.


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Business is picking up

Dear Friends,

You will be pleased to know that things are starting to get moving around here. Lately, a number of people about town have been approaching me with various requests. Needless to say, it is exciting to have something to do! I won't get in to all the particulars, but I feel like a bit of "monster-assassin". Needless to say, I've been keeping myself busy.

Admittedly, since recovering from my "hair dye incident", I have been playing as bit of catch up. Forgive me!


Saturday, March 5, 2011

What are they feeding those things....

Dear Friends,

I just saw the biggest Marmot I have ever seen. Wait there's another....


Friday, February 18, 2011

Little Ladies and Such

Dear Friends,

I get so distracted. Every time I mean to get my nose to the grindstone and make a name for myself I always find my attention wandering. What is it this time you say? Well, it's the Little Ladies Day. Haha! So hard to concentrate when the cherry blossoms are blooming and all the pretty girls prance around in thier spring dresses!

Also, just in case you noticed... Pay no attention to my hair! I know it's a different color than you remember. It's just something I had to do... Call it peer pressure. Perhaps that will explain my apparent lack of progress.  Haha!

Happy Little Ladies Day!
