Thursday, April 26, 2012

Feathered Menace!

Dear Friends,

I'm afraid the bad news continues to roll in. Today, a team of us were dispatched to Quarrymill, a hamlet deep in the Twelveswood to validate the reports of of a great disturbance in the area. I immediately suspect more Imperial activity, but boy was I wrong!

It seems thatt the beastmen have succeeded in bringing legendary god to the lands of Eorzea. The feared Garuda, Primal of the skies was laying siege to the poor hamlet of Quarrymill!

The fury of her winds were quite frightening. For a moment, I stood there in awe of both her raw power and sheer beauty. I must admit, I felt more than just a tinge of fear being in the presence of such power. But, I remembered my fight with the Primal of Fire, Ifrit. If I was able to face him, I could face this challenge as well.

In defense of the Twelveswood, my companions and I launched an attack. Together, we were able to defeat her!

But that is the not the end... No sooner had the dust settled, did the Imperial Legatus, Nael van Darnus appear. He seemed genuinely pleased that we had vanquished Garuda, claiming we had done him a favor. With both Primals defeated, he claims that we have only cleared the way for domination by the Empire. He confirmed what we all have longed feared. The Empire is controlling the moon of Dalamud, drawing it closer to Hydaelyn, with the intention to decimate Eorzea and exert their control in the aftermath.

Amused by our resistance, he vanished as quickly as he appeared. Quickly, I reported this information to both my superiors and Cid Garlond at the Adder's Nest in Gridania.

Cid did not seem to surprised with the Empire's plan. But rather, more concerned with their ability to control the moon so precisely. He stated that one such previous attempt ended in failure, and the ancient device needed to perform such a deed was destroyed. Cid seems to think that perhaps the Empire has discovered a way to harness the very power of Aether to do their bidding... This would certainly explain the Imperial's Aether collecting devices found in Toto-Rak and the Dzamael Darkhold... He also made a statement that caught my interest. He suggested that Dalamud is no ordinary moon. But rather, a man-made device placed into orbit the the ancients... WHAT?!?! I must research this more....

After my meeting, I was sent back to the Stillglade fane to meet again with the Seedseer, Kan-E-Senna. It was there that she revealed to me her intentions to reform the long stale Eorzean Alliance between the three nations. Together, she hopes to stand united against the Garlean threat.

Oh, I do hope we can manage. If the Empire can crash the very moon, or whatever Dalamud may be into Erozea, I fear all hope of defeating them may be lost...


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Shadow of the Raven

Dear Friends,

The Garlean Empire has unleashed a vile new tactic against Gridania. Using airships, they have undertaken an aerial assault on the Twelveswood. Their goal seems to be to anger the elementals to the point where all within the forest face the greenwrath.

I received my orders from the Twin Adders to rendezvous with a party of Wood Wailers and offer any assistance necessary. When I arrived, I found them to be under siege not only from the aerial bombardment, but also from a slew of angry elementals. The spirits of the Shroud were so angry that I saw two of Gridanian Lancers disintegrated before my very eyes in a flash of green magic! As we attempted to flee the scene, we were cornered by an Imperial war machine unlike any I have seen yet.

With no other choice, we engaged it in battle. Through the grace of the Twelve alone were we victorious!

Friends, let me stress that this new campaign by the Garlean Empire should leave no question as to their true intentions. We are at war!

On a side note, upon return, I was promoted to Serpent Sergeant 2nd class!


Great Ball of Fire!

Dear Friends,

The moon of Dalamud grows ever larger. I swear I can see the jagged rocks of it's surface. Gods help us if it would make contact with our world! I pray that all of you remain safe back home. Please be assured we are doing all we can to prevent what is now obvious to all from happening...


Sunday, April 22, 2012

Sposhae Revisited

Dear Friends,

Today I received word from my old friend Snowi. She has arrived safe and sound in Ul'dah! She too has taken up the lance in defense against the Garlean threat. Much against my protests!

You see, I have soft spot in my little Lala heart for this Hyur beauty... I know, I know, you've heard me that that before. I too remember my musings for a certain blue-tailed vixen named Ariadne. But, you know, it's almost as if they are one in the same person... As if THAT was possible!  Haha!

After showing Snowi some of the sights, and teaching her the basics of guildleves, etc. I could tell that was quite the fierce little pole-handler. *ahem* So I decided to take her to one of my favorite stomping grounds; The Sposhae Caverns! What better place is there to cut your teeth on some intense combat action?

During our trip we encountered three other adventurers and decided to combine forces and finally explore the caverns to their very depths. I decided to set aside the lance for a while and focus a bit on my hand-to-hand skills.

During the course of the evening, we all managed to discover quite a bit of plundered loot. We even managed to uncover the lair a ferocious Coeurl! Yikes!


Saturday, April 21, 2012

The Far Reaches....

Dear Friends,

Today, Mojo and I decided to do some scouting to see just how far the Imperials have made their claim into Eorzea. I can say that as far as camp Blue Frog, we say signs of Imperial activity. Strange Magitek devices on the horizon...

Next we headed out to Cortheas where we saw no sign of them. Although we did find an old abandoned citadel surrounds by some REALLY SCARY monsters! Perhaps even the Garlean Empire harbors a notion of fear for the mysterious Dragon Knights of Ishgard... 


Friday, April 20, 2012

The attacks continue.

Dear Friends,

The attacks by the Garlean Empire continue and have increased in frequency. I have now heard rumors that the empire has plans to create a magtitek powered railroad through the uninhabited wilds of Eorzea. Could this be for the quicker deployment of their forces or something far more sinister?

We know that the empire claims to come in peace, only offering us protection from the beast tribes. However, thanks to the mysterious power of the Echo, many of us know better. Their true goal is to destroy and conquer.

Oh friends, I pray to the twelve that you are safe and sound back home. I have received word from my old teenage crush Snowi Dawn, that she intended to journey to Ul'dah to help join in the fight against the Empire. I wish she wouldn't be so stubborn. Erozea has turned into a blood filled battlefield as of late, and I shudder at the thought that she be exposed to the dangers that lie in wait here. 


Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fragments of Truth

Dear Friends,

After much searching, we have found the Archon! It seems he is being pursued by the Empire. The page that I found in the Imperial cache after the last invasion is actually a page form his journal. It seems that the Imperials plan to use the chaos predicted with the coming of the 7th Umbral Era to help further their goals of domination. One can only assume that intend to use the Archon's knowledge of the prophecy to their advantage.  Oh, what peril!!


Monday, April 16, 2012


Dear Friends,

The shadows of war loom near! The Garlean Empire have began regular assaults on the three nation states. Adventurers, company soldiers and the like have taken up arms in defense. I personally have been involved in several skirmishes just outside of Gridania!

The attacks came in several waves. Several garrisons of Imperial Elite flooded the battlefield. Each time the forces retreated upon the defeat of their leader. On one occasions, I discovered a strange page of faded writing among the remains left by the imperials. The characters on the page are unreadable by me, but are reminiscent of those I've seen on the robes of the archon Urianger. Perhaps if I can manage to track him down it will shed some light on the reason for the sudden surge in hostilities.


Friday, April 13, 2012

Drachen Mail

Dear Friends,

After many trials and battles, I have finally managed to locate and assemble the legendary set of Drachan Mail. The final peice was no small feat to procure. Sir Alberic and I became involved in terribly dangerous battle against Estinein and and his drake companion. It seems that the former Azure Dragoon has turned rogue after all. However, together with some friends, he was quickly put in his place.

Upon completing this set of armor, and donning it for the first time, I felt a surge of power run through me unlike anything I've yet experienced. Alberic seemed amazed by the transformation. For a moment, it appeared he had a rather grand suggestion to make regarding my progress. But for the time being he has seemed to reserved his suspicion.

I can only wonder, just what large fate I have stumbled into?


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Montage VI

Dear Friends,

I am writing a short note just to say, fear not. I have been busy pursuing my training as a Dragoon. I have now been tasked with obtaining the peices of the legendary Drachen armor. My search has led me to various caves and locations throughout Erozea. I am still working toward my goal and a team of us are about to move out towards the next location. Stay strong, friends.


Monday, April 9, 2012

Dalamud Nigh

Dear friends,

I wanted to share with you the latest speculation regarding the ever increasing size and intensity of Dalamud..

Enclosed is an article from the Raven.


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Those Darned Spriggans (Hatching Tide)

Dear Friends,

I've taken a bit of time out of my Dragoon training to participate in this year's Hatching Tide celebration. Those darned egg-stealing Spriggans are back again! Once again I've donned my egg helm and went out in search of those fuzzy little thieves. This year, I was awarded a very nice set of egg-theme rings for my troubles.

In other news, there has been a sudden flood of stranger-adventurers in Eorzea recently, folks I've never seen before! It's almost like I'm living in a parallel universe or something! Haha! Either that or I've just been eating too much food lately (which has also recently become strangely tastier). But I digress.

In this sudden influx of new adventurers, I have recently welcomed my old friend Penny to Eorzea. It's soooo nice to see her again. Although, in the last few weeks I've lost a dear friend and Linkshell officer, Tabby. I'm sure she's still out there kicking ass "Neko Neko Punch!". If you read this Tabby, we miss you!!!

Happy Hatching Tide!
