Thursday, November 3, 2011

Trouble in the Forest!

Dear Friends,

I have more news of the empire. Today, I was summoned to the Waking Sands. A band of sylphs sneaked into the headquarters of the Path and were flitting around hysterically. Due to my ability to understand languages, I was able to discern their needs.

The sylphs were in a panic. They explained that the Garlean Empire has invaded their home in Moonspore Grove. The sylphs explained that by using their magic, they were able to escape and seek help. However, several of their kind was left behind, including some of their young "podlings". They begged that The Path of Twelve offer them assistance.

Minfilia requested that Aerylia and I travel Moonspore Grove to investigate.

The Grove is known to be the secret home of the sylphs and is tucked away somewhere in the emerald maze of the Black Shroud. Aerylia and I agreed to meet in Gridania, where she had a contact that knew the general location of the grove. It seems that she has "special ways" of gleaming information from this individual. When we met up, she explained that she left her informant in bed, and asked that we hurry and get our mission over with so she can rejoin him... What a lustful little tart!

Her intelligence placed Moonspore Grove somewhere north of Camp Nine Ives. When we arrived on the scene, we found the place to be crawling with Imperial scouts. The Empire is growing bolder by the day, and the fact that they are routinely being spotted this far south is very unsettling. In the distance we observed a convoy marching through the wood. They were escorted by some type of large walking war-machines. I tell you, my heart sank. Friends, I truly fear we are on the verge of being invaded like the nation of Ala Mhigo was 15 years prior.

Aerylia and I snuck into the grove where we encountered an adult Sylph. It implored us to take the podlings and sneak them out of the area before the Imperial could seize them. The Sylph cast an enchantment to assist us in avoiding detection, and we were off.

Once we arrived in a safe area, we encountered some members of the Wood Wailers. We briefed them on what we had observed but I get the impression that we were not taken seriously. Aerylia took their dismissal as excuse to return to her extra curricular activities and took her leave of me.

I returned to the Waking Sands to provide my report to Minfilia, where I recieved a nice stipend for my duties.

My friends, trouble is brewing. I fear that Gridania may be the next victim of this hungry Empire to the north. I feel as though it is my responsibility to help in any way that I can. I think it might be time for me to speak with a recruitment officer at one of the grand companies. I'll keep you informed.


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