Saturday, November 12, 2011


Dear Friends,

Interesting little antecdote for you today! Recent reports cite an uprising in thefts from the Lifemend Stump. If you recall, I mentioned in an earlier letters, a treestump in the forest where many people will leave broken items, hoping the moogles will come by and repair them. Well, that is the Lifemend Stump.

It's shocking to think that someone would actually steal something left there, but such are the times in which we live.

I staked out there area, only to come across three thieves. After giving them a good whooping, they surrendered and claimed to be members from a thieves guild called The Redbelly Wasps. They swore that they have nothing to do with the thefts from the stump, but rather they engage in other sorts of criminal activity. He admits to currently being involved in a ransom scheme, where a young girl is being held in their secret den.

After a bit of "convincing" I learn the location of their hideout. However, when I arrive, I find the remaining members of the clans knocked on their arses. Standing proudly above them is an adorable young woman, with horns as sharp as a blade. Suspicious, I allow myself to listen to The Echo. I learn that standing in front of me is noneother than Raya-O-Senna, this younger sister to Kan-E-Senna!

Who is Kan-E-Senna?! The founder of the Order of the Twin Adders, Grand Company of Gridania!

Needless to say, Raya is not amused by my mental prying and storms off angry that I'd "spy on her" so willingly.

Sigh. The last thing I intended to do today was piss of someone with connections to Kan-E-Senna!!!



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