Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fragments of Truth

Dear Friends,

After much searching, we have found the Archon! It seems he is being pursued by the Empire. The page that I found in the Imperial cache after the last invasion is actually a page form his journal. It seems that the Imperials plan to use the chaos predicted with the coming of the 7th Umbral Era to help further their goals of domination. One can only assume that intend to use the Archon's knowledge of the prophecy to their advantage.  Oh, what peril!!



  1. Hey Kijimuna, sorry about the unrelated comment, but I saw your new-player's guide on the official forums, and I think it's great. Would you have any interest in having it hosted on mooglebox, (with a link to this blog or any other page you want)?

    Send me a note if you want to chat more about it:
