Monday, January 30, 2012

Hunting Ifrit

Dear Friends,

Today, I have accepted a mission so perilous that I may not return. The Twin Adders have tasked me with an attack against against the Primal known as Ifrit. The same Ifrit that Aerylia and I came face to face with mere days ago.

I was ordered to meet with an Elezan gentleman by the name of Louisoix. Louisoix is a member of an order called the Circle of Knowing. I was instructed to wait for him at the Apkallus Falls, a secluded spot in Gridania. After a brief introduction, he explained to me the reason this mission was ordered.

It has been learned that simply by existing in our world, the Primals are draining Erozea of it's aether. If something is not done to banish them, they could very well well end up exhausting all of the aether in out world. Not only would this destroy the aetheryte crystals, but it could very well turn all of Erozea into a complete wasteland. How perilous!

In order to do battle with Ifrit, we must surprise him on his own turf. An area known as the Bowl of Embers. This place can only be reached via a special aether node. However, to summon the node into existence, a variety of reagents must be acquired. First, I will need to procure six echo crystals. These are VERY rare crystals that are known to be carried by some rather notorious monsters. Second, I must obtain a relic sacred to the Amal'jaa, the Inferno Flambeu. This item is critical in the successful summoning of Ifrit.

I have thus far managed to slay the beasts described to me and obtain the echo crystals they carry. I write this now as I camp outside of a secret Amal'jaa cave. Inside I will find an Amal'jaa lord known as Voidtongue Ahzabb Chah. In moments I will enter to confront him alone. If I am successful, I will return to Louisoix. If this is my last letter to you, my friends, know that I miss you all.


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