Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Return of the Twelve?

Dear Friends,

The verdict is in. Meteor comes. Comets and falling debris streak the skies above us. Strange sounds echo through the whispers of the wind, unusual auroras can be seen in the glow of the moon light. Somehow, even with the fall of the White Raven himself, Dalamud moves closer still. Today, I was called before Louisoux and this terrible truth was confirmed. Yet, there is a plan.

Remember all that strange talk some time ago about us common folk having the ability to "summon our own primals"? Well, it seems that was in reference to the Twelve gods of Eorzea. Such desperate times are these that I have been dispatched to visit the long forgotten holy shrines of the Twelve gods and pray for a miracle. Sounds almost ridiculous, does it not? Well friends, what if I told you that while undertaking this errand, I felt something... I swear I did. Each time I knelt my head in prayer I could actually feel the power of the gods shining over me. Could it be? Will the Twelve awaken at our request?

During this pilgrimage, I had quite a chilling encounter. Keeping my faith strong, I knelt in prayer next to one of the stones only to be encountered by the Legatus van Baelsar. He seemed genuinely impressed with the defeat of Darnus. But he warned that despite our victory, Darnus' followers in the Imperial VII'th legion remain committed to their fallen leader's legacy. He warned that a full-scale invasion was still planned and I would do well to inform my superiors to prepare for an all out war. When I questioned him, why he would divulge such information, and why he offered us previous intelligence on Darnus and his plans, he explained that it is his destiny to one day rule of Eorzea and it was not his desire to rule over a land scorched and worthless by the bands of a madman (referring to van Darnus). How nefarious! This fiend is no better! He's only offering us this intelligence so that HE will later have a prize to conquer in the name of the Empire.

As soon as he appeared, he vanished mysteriously. Yet his voice continued to taunt me from an airship high overhead. What manner of technical sorcery is this?!? I beseech the Twelve to answer our prayers. We will need their divine power to overcome the technical monstrosities the Garlean Empire is sure to unleash upon us.

Despite this grim outlook. I have faith. I am not alone. Many adventurers have undertaken the pilgrimage of prayer. Those of us who have been faithful and who have served the Eorzean Alliance have been official recognized. The number of heroes who can claim this this honor grows a bit larger with the passing of every day.  He was been rewarded with a symbol of our deed, a decorative horn at which in the center is mounted a glowing bit of stone from the fallen meteors. This Horn of Dalamud serves as a badge of honor as we prepare to step into the uncharted future, ready to do battles with the gods at our sides.


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