Sunday, December 18, 2011

Starlight Is Upon Us!

Dear Friends,

It is that time of year again! The Starlight Celebration! It seems that the unseasonably warm weather got the better of us, and the celebrations started late this year. No bells to ring, and no gifts to deliver this year. Instead, everyone is worrying about the late change of seasons as the Starlight decorations are erected in the various towns. Rumors are abound that the warm temperatures are due to the unrest of the elementals, and the strange color of Dalamud in the sky.

Taking suggestions from the Ala Mhigan refugees, the conjurers of the Stillglade Fane have decided to participate in a traditional Ala Mhigo ceremony said to usher in the snows of winter. It's quite silly actually, using snow made from ice crystals, a giant snowman was erected in the northern shroud. It seems everyone got into the spirit and a huge snowball fight ensued. I have to admit even I joined into the festivities. Haha!

After it was all over, we donned reindeer suits and drank a little too much ale. Don't judge me! Happy Starlight to all!
