Saturday, January 21, 2012

The Exploration of Toto-Rak

Dear Friends,

Today, I undertook an exciting mission from the Twin Adders.

Do you remember last spring when I sent you that article from the Raven newsletter? If not, I will refresh your memory. It was published during the start of the Imperial Invasion rumors. A reporter caught wind that the Empire was stashing some strange devices in the long abandoned dungeon of Toto-Rak.

Toto-Rak was once a prison designed to detain all manner of criminals who had defiled the Twelvewoods. However, it has long since fell out of use. Rumors have persisted over the years that is haunted and/or has become home to really nefarious beasts.

The article in Raven details a reporter's disappearance as he attempted to explore the ruins. Since that time, the Twin Adders in co-operation with the conjurers of Gridania have led exploration expeditions into the dungeon. Sadly, these have largely unsuccessful. Namely due to one reason. A variety of strange objects of Imperial origin have been found in the dungeon. They seem to generate some type of protective forcefield that prevent anyone from reaching the deeper parts of the prison.

Today, I was tasked with discerning the true nature of these Imperial devices as well as finding a missing conjurer that had been seen roaming the halls within the dungeon.

Let me tell you, what a frightening experience it was to step down into these dark underground passages! I teamed up with another member of the Twin Adders and together we were able to make some headway. Scattered through the dungeon were strange magtitek devices of Imperial origin. These devices radiate a strange blue light. It didn't take long to figure out that while these devices are what was generating the forcefields sealing off access to deeper parts of the dungeon. By exploring the surrounding caverns, we were able to locate these some strange "photocell" devices. By inserting enough of these into the generators, we were able to deactivate them, thus opening access to other parts of the prison.

It wasn't long before I came across the missing on conjurer and his... two moogle companions?! I discovered that the conjurer was none other than A-Ruhn-Senna, the youngest of the seed seers and brother to the leader of the Grand Company. It seems that he sought refuge inside the prison to tend to his moogle companions only to be come trapped inside. With the path now clear, he could make his retreat.

As we explored the dungeon further we found ourselves in a dead-end room. This room also happened to be the nest of the giant scorpion/spider beast. I friends, I do believe this was the legendary beast known as Sargas! I've heard rumors of this monster but never did I expect to face it in battle. Together, we defeated it and even some of it's offspring. However, I 'm sure there were many that got away. As they grow, I'm sure the legend of Sargas will continue to live on. Sargas' nest was home to all sort of interesting little items it had gathered over the years. I found some slightly valuable materials that I decided to keep, as well as sturdy but charred battleaxe. This will come in handy as I continue to train my hand in other weapons over time.

Upon returning to the Grand Company headquarters in town, I was debriefed on the details of my mission. I provided them with a piece of one of the Imperial devices we found. After some analysis, it seems that these devices are designed to detect and channel aether. But why in the world would the empire be interested in something as trivial and plentiful as aether?

Well, one thing is for certain, regardless of any headway we may have made. This site still deserves some future attention. There were several gates that we did not yet open. This means more of the dungeon is yet unexplored. I look forward to returning in the future to see what mysteries The Thousand Maws of Tot-Tak holds.


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