Dear Friends,
What a busy week!!! I guess I will go ahead and start this letter by declaring the obvious. Yeah, Snowi Dawn and I are kind of a thing now. So, you know..... BACK OFF! SHE'S MINE!! Haha!
Seriously, it is really nice to be able to find a companion in the midst of such danger. It's almost as if we've been together in some other world.... Hmmm.
Anyways, enough of that foofoo kissy crap! Recently, Snowi, Mojo and myself have made some new friends. We've been added to the ranks of a new linkshell. We've made a decision to merge them into one new team. This means I'll be running all over Eorzea this week handing out new pearls to all the members of Kindred Souls. A leader's work is never done!
These new guys were investigating the mysterious disappearance of some moogles from the Twelveswood. We joined forces and found three of the little guys just outside of Thornmarch grove. We learned that the moogles have decided to take up arms against the recent Imperial intrusion into the forest. The moogles have sent a team of their finest warriors into Thornmarch to clash with the empire head on! Thinking we could possibly lend them some aid, we rushed into the grove with the intentions of helping out.
It seems that our assistance was not needed. Can you believe we witnessed a party of moogles, all decked out with arms and armor take down one of those "smokestack" style Imperial airships?!? I give you my word it is the truth! Just as we were about to congratulate the fuzzy little victors, they turned their sights to us! It seems the buggers were REALLY riled up and ready to fight anyone who set foot into their sacred grove. With no real option left but to defend ourselves, we had to engage the moogles.
One by one, we defeated the critters. Just when victory seemed to be at hand, they teamed together and summoned forth their legendary, mysterious leader; Good King Moogle Mog XII!
The battle began anew, this time with their king running the show. In the end, we were victorious, and I am happy to report that it all seemed to be one big misunderstanding but let me tell you, those moogles can pack a wallop!