Dear Friends,
I'm afraid the bad news continues to roll in. Today, a team of us were dispatched to Quarrymill, a hamlet deep in the Twelveswood to validate the reports of of a great disturbance in the area. I immediately suspect more Imperial activity, but boy was I wrong!
It seems thatt the beastmen have succeeded in bringing legendary god to the lands of Eorzea. The feared Garuda, Primal of the skies was laying siege to the poor hamlet of Quarrymill!
The fury of her winds were quite frightening. For a moment, I stood there in awe of both her raw power and sheer beauty. I must admit, I felt more than just a tinge of fear being in the presence of such power. But, I remembered my fight with the Primal of Fire, Ifrit. If I was able to face him, I could face this challenge as well.
In defense of the Twelveswood, my companions and I launched an attack. Together, we were able to defeat her!
But that is the not the end... No sooner had the dust settled, did the Imperial Legatus, Nael van Darnus appear. He seemed genuinely pleased that we had vanquished Garuda, claiming we had done him a favor. With both Primals defeated, he claims that we have only cleared the way for domination by the Empire. He confirmed what we all have longed feared. The Empire is controlling the moon of Dalamud, drawing it closer to Hydaelyn, with the intention to decimate Eorzea and exert their control in the aftermath.
Amused by our resistance, he vanished as quickly as he appeared. Quickly, I reported this information to both my superiors and Cid Garlond at the Adder's Nest in Gridania.
Cid did not seem to surprised with the Empire's plan. But rather, more concerned with their ability to control the moon so precisely. He stated that one such previous attempt ended in failure, and the ancient device needed to perform such a deed was destroyed. Cid seems to think that perhaps the Empire has discovered a way to harness the very power of Aether to do their bidding... This would certainly explain the Imperial's Aether collecting devices found in Toto-Rak and the Dzamael Darkhold... He also made a statement that caught my interest. He suggested that Dalamud is no ordinary moon. But rather, a man-made device placed into orbit the the ancients... WHAT?!?! I must research this more....
After my meeting, I was sent back to the Stillglade fane to meet again with the Seedseer, Kan-E-Senna. It was there that she revealed to me her intentions to reform the long stale Eorzean Alliance between the three nations. Together, she hopes to stand united against the Garlean threat.
Oh, I do hope we can manage. If the Empire can crash the very moon, or whatever Dalamud may be into Erozea, I fear all hope of defeating them may be lost...