I wanted to write to let everyone know that I am doing well. Gridania is being very good to me and I'm happy to report that I am making progress in my alchemical studies! However, it is with sadness that I must relay this horrible news. The new friend I mentioned in my previous letter; Pinot, appears to have gone missing.
After a day or two of not seeing him around, we fear that he may have been slain in the forest outside of town. Some of my shellmates suggest that perhaps he was taken in by his woodsin and turned into one of the "wildlings" that people here in Gridania speak of so often. That would be terrible! With these thoughts fresh in my mind, I have been focusing on improving my combat abilities quite a bit. I hate to admit it, but I've actually been slacking a bit on my study of alchemy. But in times like these I feel that safety is a first. It is important to defend oneself against the terrible things that lurk outside the safety of town.
On a much happier note, my exploits in working for the adventurer's guild have blessed me with many spoils. So many in fact that I've had a hard time finding buyers for many of the items that I don't need. Luckily I have found a solution! The good people at the Carline Canopy have helped me employ a nice young Elezen lady to tend to the security and sale of my property! Her name is Sonata and she is more than happy to work directly for me spending her days in the Market Wards selling the things I don't want and buying the supplies that I do need! Of course, she is receiving a percentage of all the sales and transactions, but that's only fair.
I still have not received my cleansing ritual- some of my new friends are very concerned about this. They worry that the woodsin that clings to my spirit may overtake me. But I'm not so sure anymore. I'm starting to become very skeptical about all of this "elemental" business. I did stop by the carpenter's guild to be fitted for my ritual mask. In fact, while doing so I met the young woman Fye that the moogles told me about. Her's is a sad story indeed. It seems that her brother was contaminated by woodsin as well and even though he had undergone the cleansing ritual he was changed into a wildling and vanished into the twelvewood. The girl had taken his ritual mask to the moogles for repair, thinking that the mask was broken. Why else would the ritual not have worked properly? Upon meeting her- she implored me to talk to the moogles again and ask them if there was anyway to save her brother Dunstan from his fate. Fye has a friend, a very rebellious young man; Khrimm, who doesn't seem to believe in the elementals. While I was seeking out the moogles to comply with Fye's request. I found him in the deep of the woods chopping and wounding many of the great trees there. The moogle I was speaking with was very distrught over his behavior! All that aside, the pudgy little moogle I spoke to did claim to confer with the elementals and he gave me a message to take back to Gridania: They want Fye to stay out of the forest. How unusual, don't you think?
Anyways, my delivering this message seems to have caused quite an uproar in Gridania. Apparently, the elementals never speak to anyone, even through moogles. So the fact that I was given this request is quite a big deal. I was asked to speak at the Archer's guild to relay my story to them. Afterwards, they explained to me in the utmost confidence (so don't go telling everyone!!!), that Fye's brother Dunstan has been discovered to be the one that brought down the Hedge on the day of my arrival. They are worried that in his "wilding-form" he is trying to track down Fye and take him with her. They have implored me to help them hunt him down for the safety of Fye... I don't know what to do. Something about all of this just doesn't seem right. So far there's no word on Dunstan's whereabouts. So I suppose I'd better continue my training, as it seems I'm going to get stuck in the middle of all this nonsense one way or the other.
I will close this letter with a bit of good news. My old friend Victorino Sparkajen has written me! He is planning to come to Gridania as well. In fact, he is expected to arrive in just a few days! It will so nice seeing an old friend. Perhaps, the two of us will even team up in our adventures!